Oblivion restoration spells merchant
Oblivion restoration spells merchant

oblivion restoration spells merchant

You'll be more successul at finding her by searching the streets because she wanders outside during the day. The spell vendor for the Chapel of Arkay in Cheydinhal is only in the chapel for a couple of hours each day and even at that is behind a locked door for most of that time. Each city has a chapel and one person inside who will sell spells. Unlike the other schools of Magic, you're probably going to have to head for the Chapels to get many of these spells. From there you can Fortify any attribute. You can buy a Fortify Agility spell, for example, and you will have the Fortify Attribue effect available in the Spellmaker or Item Maker. Note, also, that while the Absorb, Fortify and Restore spells are tied to particular things, you only need one of each if you're going to use the Spellmaker. Many of these Restoration effects can be dulplicated through Alchemy, but with Restoration you don't have the added weight of potions and ingredients. Heal: repairs whatever it is that is damaged.For example, you can fortify your Strength so that you have more than what you normally would, which allows you to more quickly smack down whatever is attacking you. Fortify: temporarily boost whatever it is.Cure: removes Poison, Parlysis and Disease effects.For example, lower the Blade skill of whatever is attacking you by 10 points and boost your Blade skill by 10 points. Absorb: transfer whatever it is from the target to you for a limited time.The spell effects come in a few basic varieties: Restoration is the school of magic that keeps you alive and kicking. Beginners Guide to Oblivion: Restoration Spell Effects

Oblivion restoration spells merchant